
Counting the DAYS…

George and I are counting the days until our grandchildren, Eli and Evie arrive from California...  OH...OF COURSE ANDI AND MIKE TOO.  Even though we talk to them almost every day, play games on Facebook Portal, look and relook through all the photos Andi sends is just not the same.  We have that 4 hour time difference which makes it seem further away. When it is 7:30 PM their time, we are usually sleeping. We turn the lights on and they see us in our bed. We are hoping they don’t think we are in an assisted living residence. To say the least, this is not what we envisioned grandparenting to be. 

Comforting Words from Others…

Many friends ask questions and express their sympathy for our grandparenting situation.  Some friends share comforting stories.  I eagerly listened to a friend share that she only saw her grandparents once a year but always remembered those special visits.  She said it was always such a fun and exciting time.  Every day was customized to be memorable.  

Planning AHEAD…

George and I are brainstorming, previewing, and asking for recommendations for experiences we can provide Eli and Evie when they arrive.  Creating memories through experiences is the key goal.  Hoping to help them know more about who we are as we learn more about their personalities/likes as they are growing older.  

Any Suggestions?

We are always eager to hear any ideas or places in OHIO that you might have experienced.  Please send any ideas our way. We are making the list and checking it twice!