Vintage Decorating

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I might say I am Vintage-Inspired.  I actually think of my favorite Vintage pieces as items found in relative’s homes or handed down through my family. I call these items Vintage A.  These treasures come with stories and almost always start a conversation when friends visit our home.  Vintage B items are found at flea markets or new items made to look old, but we only have speculations of stories and history. 

Vintage A

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The top photo was taken through a glass top table. Items are in a tray filled with family items. The typewriter was used by my Grandmother in the early 20’s when she was in nursing school at The University of Cincinnati. I always think of how driven she must have been to earn her RN degree in those years. There is also a book that was a ledger for my Great Grandpa Schauseil’s farm. George’s mother’s name was Agnes. I found this name tag in a box. She must have enjoyed wearing the pin or she wouldn’t have kept it in a box. The silver badge on top of the book was Grandpa Yanok’s badge he wore in retirement as a school crossing guard. Glasses worn by many Schmitt, Schauseil, Bialota, and Yanok family members as well as a silver flask and pocket watch are in the glass box.

Vintage B

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I purchased and then carried this white cabinet around the Springfield Flea market several years ago…that is the memory. Nothing of significance is in the chest which is in our bathroom. The bottles in the photo on the right are on a shelf in our kitchen. They are new bottles, covered in music and old book pages… to look special and old. Notice the one large bottle is inside a large glass container. The bottles also have “flashcard” numbers tied around the tops. OH…so old and valuable!