When the Little Angels Fly in From California to Our Quiet Empty Nest

Time does change…tears when the girls started school, tears when they left for college…tears when they moved too far away…tears getting used to our Empty Nest. No one leaving their “stuff” on the kitchen counter, no shoes in the back hallway, no extra cars to be moved in the driveway…you get the picture. How can we survive as we happily centered most everything around our girls’ activities, friends, and happiness? There was a time I could get teary eyes from just looking at their senior pictures hanging on the wall.

After just a few short years, the joys of an empty nest seemed to outnumber the sadness of everyone being gone. For the most part, “stuff” is put away and items actually stay. We can find most things, the laundry is folded and not piled up in the laundry, we can have discussions without interruptions, take a quiet nap anywhere in the house, grocery shop for only items we like, and travel almost anytime we want. Our upstairs is empty with everything in place…you can even hear a pin drop.

Looking back when we were raising our children, we did the very best we could do. With grandchildren, it seems much more important to do everything right and make sure nothing should ever go wrong. When we built this house, Emily was 7 and Andi was 11 so we didn’t really consider toddlers and young children. We try to block off open areas between floors to stop falls, cover electric outlets, put child safety locks on cupboards, close pantry doors, only purchase foods they are permitted to consume, and the list could go on. I have gathered some toys I kept to create a play area in our basement. The children seem to love knowing these toys once belonged to their mother. I shopped at a Children’s RESALE store and actually rebought a play kitchen set exactly like one our girls played with a few years ago. It is amazing what else I found that was almost new. I have saved all our books….enough to fill a corner bookcase. Legos, puppets, puzzles…all from a few years past.

We make a list of activities that are close by and are a good place to release some energy. The Columbus Zoo, Science Center and Lego Land are always on the list. There is a sled in the garage, as we are always hoping for a White Christmas. Playdough, crayons, markers, balloons are easy. Letting them decorate a tree for the basement or in their room…whatever so they are occupied. Cooking with Grandpa, hide and seek, red light, green light, Simon Says and the latest game is a staring contest…first one to laugh is out.

There is not much as exciting as having everyone back home for the holidays! And our grandchildren, Eli and Evie bring so much joy and love to our home. The laughing, excitement, smiles, and happiness makes the empty nest full again. We have to remember that children, almost 3 and 5 have a lot of energy. After being in plane for several hours, adjusting to our time zone, no naps, seeing the Christmas tree and maybe even some snowflakes and knowing Santa knows they are in OHIO…well only imagine. The loud shrieking voices, competition and disagreements between siblings, sounds of toys and crazy commotion are certainly new but familiar sounds from years past. If an ornament is broken during the tree trimming, one less to store away. We try to enjoy every minute with maybe a time out for Gaga and Grandpa for a little quiet time in our room. A friend just reminded me that her grandchildren are now teens. The activities are different. No running children but teens on their phones or watching the screens.

I am hoping that this year we enjoy every minute so that our grandchildren will have treasured memories when they are back home in California. And as Gaga and Grandpa drive home from the airport they will be thankful for all of the love in their family and adjust to their empty nest.

FamilyEmma Yanok