Always a BEST DAY

One of the BEST Days of Being a Realtor 


Just experienced one of the BEST days of being a Realtor. Just a few weeks ago, I got a call from a past client.  After increasing their family from two to three, they wanted to look for a larger home without breaking the bank.  We looked at several properties, made a couple of offers, and then I actually talked them out of settling on a mediocre, just OK, overpriced property.  Since then they are building a new home at a good price in a wonderful neighborhood, close to friends and work, and in an excellent school district.  

TA DA….are your ready?  We just listed their property, got two fantastic offers  and they have made almost 100K in just 4.5 years.  And you know why I am so happy?  I sold them their first house.  Now I must give them lots of credit.  They have made so many not just cosmetic but functional/mechanical improvements and were excellent sellers.  I like to think I guided them to make two excellent decisions.

I Wish I Had a Crystal Ball

If I had a magical, crystal ball it might come in handy when clients ask me questions like:

crystal ball.jpg
  • When is the best time to purchase and/or list a property?

  • Is this property going to be a good investment in years to come?

  • How many offers do you think the seller will get?

  • How much will the appraisal be?

  • Will the property taxes go up?

  • Can you promise me that my house will sell for ??? dollars?

  • Which property will my spouse like best?

  • Will I mind the traffic noise?

  • How long do you think I will live in this property?  

  • Do I need a three car garage and/or a full basement?

  • Will I get my return investment back if I have a better career opportunity and need to leave the area?

  • Will I like living in OH…IO?

So many excellent questions that I can only answer based on my experiences, looking at statistics, and consulting with other professionals in my network. As I share with my clients, I feel as though I must point out the good, bad, and ugly. Even in this day of relocation, I still work for clients that want to find their forever home. And often life happens. I just said to a client in fun, “I hope this is your forever home because I don’t think I can sell this again.” RESALE Value is the important factor in my book. I am wise enough to know, that the client must make the final decision after I have completed providing as much information as possible. Timing is such an amazing factor…the right property, in the right geographic area, and the right client and magic does happen. This is when I need that Crystal Ball.

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