LEMONS TO LEMONADE during the Pandemic


Never thought we would have our youngest daughter home for 3 months this last Spring.  Emily and Adrian, the boyfriend, and of course Henry, the beloved Chihuahua, rented a car and drove from NYC to Westerville, Ohio.  At the end of their stay, Adrian compared being in our house to living in a bubble...only danger was the deer eating all my flowers and turtles digging holes in our yard. We knew we would miss them when they returned to NYC but life will go on.  We know we raised our girls to fly.

The Phone Call and the NEW PLAN

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The conversation started something like this, “ Mom and Dad this is just about 90% a possibility but what would you think if we stored all of our possessions in your basement for a year? “   After being confined to Manhattan in a small apartment, observing safety rules, working remotely...and the list could go on...they were ready to leave the city. The plan was to purchase a car as neither had owned a car for several years.  Next step is to load a truck with everything they own, and head to OHIO for the holidays. 

Exciting, Educational, and Economical


The plan included short stays in Airbnbs around the U.S.  Knowing their companies are planning on remote working conditions for some time, and that they will be tethered to their computers for long hours, travel could be a solution to better living conditions.  The next question to us was, “What do think about the plan?”  George and I both quickly replied, “ This will probably be the only time in your life you can actually have this kind of freedom.”  Also very quickly we added, “ We would be more than  happy if Adrian stayed with us but Henry needs the travel experience

A Little Secret 

To be quite honest, I am a little jealous.  I must admit I am feeling some changes as I grow up.  I don’t enjoy having so many things.  Shopping is not my favorite hobby. I would love to travel more.  I don’t want the care and the responsibility of a second home. I also would enjoy sharing new adventures with George.  Who knows what may be in our future? I will try to keep you posted. The NEST may be EMPTY more often as the OLDER BIRDS fly too!

Real Estate, FamilyEmma Yanok