I ACTUALLY HAVE MORE CONTROL…Just one of the many things I have learned from my clients.


T.J. MAX, HOme Goods, Antique Stores, Grandma’s closet, Flea Market…

BUT it was so much fun! This is just one collection. Trust me, nothing valuable just stuff.

Just A FEW of my Talents

Let me share that I have several talents and/or you could call habits that I love!  At the end of a trying day, either habit will help me find comfort, relaxation, or a reward.  Both habits can become addictive and dangerous.  I have tried to control both...EATING and SHOPPING!

My First Awakening

I think I may have lost my desire to shop!  This didn’t happen all in one day but gradually as I learned some of the side effects of this habit.  It actually started when I worked for my very first clients  almost 14 years ago….and I have served as their realtor for their last three houses.  I was  recommended by their daughter, a teacher, who knew I had training to be patient, kind, and understanding.  To sum this up, they had a lot of THINGS…even a huge barn full of collectibles, odds and ends, craft many memories.    Now to add to this story the Mrs. was born and raised in this house...never really had she lived anywhere else.  Understandably,  she didn’t want to even attend the closing.  Needless to say, I saw some tears.  To this day, I enjoy having lunch with them and we can now laugh about  “getting rid of things”.  They have shared they have a new kind of freedom without  so many things.  They actually taught me a few lessons during our downsizing

The Next Sign

I have experienced watching siblings try to help parents downsize.  So many items we as parents hold on to…awards, trophies, uniforms, and toys that remind us of so many memories.  And there are those things that were given to us by our parents that were handed down through generations that maybe no one really wanted.  Our daughters were enjoying some time with me in our home over the holidays.  As if I wasn’t even in the room, “How are we ever going to get rid of all this stuff?” was a comment one of my darlings made.   We can certainly learn from this younger generation that doesn’t seem to be attached to stuff.  Again I see tears at closings but joy once downsizers have found a new freedom. 


AND George Commented…You don’t even Make Cakes anymore!

But so much fun collecting! And I have other uses for this collection. Great for displaying more treasures…adding some height…and more.

And about my habit of eating…no sudden change. I love having lunch or dinner with my clients…they become my friends.