Wanting the BEST Learning Experience for my GRANDSON!



As a parent, grandparent, friend, and former teacher, I keep hearing parents share their thoughts about online classrooms that have been most necessary during the Pandemic.  Knowing that everyone has different situations, I certainly can’t speak for all but these are my thoughts. I remember discussing teaching with an experienced and talented kindergarten teacher a few years ago when I was placing one of my high school students in her class for a field experience.  She was explaining to us that she was now expected to teach more content than ever before but she knew it took much longer to teach social and Emotional IQ.  Simple skills like sitting in your seat, learning about and appreciating differences, completing assignments, sharing, working as a team, and the list could go on.  I believe those first few years of elementary education are the most critical for children to continue the success and catch that “Love for LEARNING”  Teachers are trained detectives to investigate learning challenges in those early years.  They not only have the skills necessary but the experiences of working with many children and parents. I am not sure how these equally important skills can be taught online and/or in Zoom Meetings. 

I am so hoping that my grandson will be able to attend kindergarten next year.  Of course, he is the brightest, most talented, curious, well mannered, handsome…ELI IS MY GRANDSON!

Both of our girls had wonderful kindergarten teachers who helped prepare our daughters for success.  I could hear them playing school, and of course they role played their teachers who knew everything about everything.  I have so many stories but the one I remember most is when Emily came home and complained of a headache.  Right before bedtime, she had even more pain.  The pain went away as soon as she told us she had 2 rotten apples on the blackboard for talking out of turn and the policy was after 3 in one week,  the teacher would be calling us.  That was the day I knew she identified her conscience.  Knowing that I would not bring late assignments to rescue them, they soon learned to be responsible.  I am so thankful for all the amazing teachers that worked with our family to build for success.

Concerns for YOUNG Children with Total Online Learning

  1.  There are children with no access to the internet...digital divide. All children must have an opportunity to learn!

  2.  Both parents or single parent works.

  3. Children are already on screen time for long hours.

  4. Problem solving as a team may be a challenge.

  5. Sitting at a computer is not easy...ask anyone working from home these last few months

Do we prepare the child for the road or prepare the road for our child